Looking for Queer-centered
ADHD Coaching?
You'll find it at NeuroQueer!
Where did Queer ADHD go?
Queer ADHD was founded by Sarah Dopp in January 2021 as an ADHD coaching and resource center for the LGBTQIA+ community. It closed in August 2022, and many of the coaches and community members can now be found at NeuroQueer. If you’re looking for Sarah, you can find her over here.

Houseplants, Routines, and Learning to Tend to My ADHD Brain
Routines? I hated them…until I was diagnosed with ADHD. Rather than a test to fail, they were gardening tools and houseplants, pruning the stress and anxiety from my day-to-day and creating an environment to thrive.

A Guide for Queer Folks Who Just Learned They Have ADHD
I hear you’re a queer person who just discovered you have ADHD. Welcome! I’m excited to officially welcome you to this rather specific—and specifically wonderful—club.

April 2021 Update: We’re Launching Group Sessions!
There’s this thing I do with Internet projects: I create something small and focused to meet my own needs, and then I turn my back for like, one minute and suddenly it has expanded way, way, way beyond my original scope.

March 2021 Update: A New Logo, and a Whole Lot of Research
Has it already been a month? It feels like it has flown by, but somehow it also feels like I’ve been doing this work for a long time—like it’s a part of me.

Creating a Zone of Freedom: Why I Created “Freestyle Thursdays” as a Gift to my ADHD Brain
I made the decision to protect one day a week—Thursdays—for whatever I want to do in the moment. This turned out to be one of the most powerful gifts I could have given myself.

Feb 2021 Update: So Much Yes!
I started my ADHD coaching program, I started accepting clients, and I launched a website under a new a business name: Queer ADHD. Each one of those is a massive step forward.